Step out of the rain
The old train-station awning
The downpour passes

To many, a statue is an idol still
To see it as it is requires a will
They do not have; though no sacrifice
Is offered to them, and in a trice
We see even Zeus the symbol he is
Aprhodite, Diana - more than this!
In beauty we understand what delight
Other men had and what insight
Though partial, their ideas might give--
Thus we must suffer the statues to live.

The Meaning of Collapse

It may be disappointing to some that the mythical Hobbsean post / pre society never emerged from the collapse of the United States. This is in part because the United States is such a large and distributed entity; while as a system it has failed, most of the parts still have life and energy enough to work, and to be dangerous.

Since as we know the United States is more of a free trade zone than a nation, failure may feel more like freedom than destruction. Needless to say, your mortgage payment will still be due (though it might have missed a month as coordination failed noticeably during the pandemic.) Yet we must account for what was lost.

The weakness of the federal government - at least internally - is shown both in its failure to act and the lack of immediately noticeable results in its collapse. The effort to remove Trump was an effort to restore the legitimacy of the United States Government. It failed because it had collapsed. 

Additionally, the distributed conspiracy (which isn't truly a conspiracy) of the so-called Cathedral shows both its strength and weakness. Were it truly a centralized conspiracy of a certain ethnic group, much more would have failed immediately. As it is, the legitimacy crisis is reaching the nodes in the network in time and forcing them to cope with it. Not unlike plants when the fall comes, their response to the crisis is that their immune systems have become overwhelmed and the pathologies they were nurturing took over before they could re-evaluate what was going on. It of course was not possible for them to re-evaluate, as the whole system itself carried no outside signals at all, and no indication of the real pathology. An auto-immune catastrophe.

America and the West in general is a large creature, and its tentacles still have a lot of money. Yet, the time is ever more ripe to re-evaluate even the foundations of this civilization just outside of the reach of the dying animal. 

Learn to think for yourself.


A thing at once ripe
Not this, but a raspberry
Sun-ripe, perfect red.

The mystery of Maya's doom
Is not hard to solve, not bones
To be read, not phases of the moon
Or tea leaves or guts or magic stones;

Look now at the standing stones
Pulled down as before a full moon
For unsoundness is in their bones
- the mystery of Maya's doom.

The United States Has Collapsed

While it appears to many that Trump came to save America, it should be obvious now that America has collapsed. This however was not Trump's doing - rather, the mere fact of his election was itself the moment of that collapse. 

If we think, like Conservatives do, that America is its common people or its Constitution we are mistaken. The United States Government that existed up to November 9th, 2016 was the fourth government the United States has had. The first was the Articles of Confederation, the second the First Republic under the Constitution, the third the Second Republic (after the revolution called the Civil War) which tried to apply the Bill of Rights to all States, and the fourth the Managerial State created by FDR which is also called 'the West'. 

As Trump did not have support of any large faction within the government, and the government's members were unable to remove him from office, that government has shown itself impotent for the task of ruling. The Mandate of Heaven has moved on. If Trump fails to create a new government, which consists of a unique faction loyal to him and/or principles of the new concept of 'Civic Nationalism', the collapse of the West will be final and fatal. 

It should not be surprising that I use America, the United States, and the West interchangeably. To grasp the extent of the West, observe the following map. Others are available, but the basic point is that we can see that "Black Lives Matter" protests demonstrate the extent of the modern West. The methodology of the map included is questionable; you may choose your own for your own edification.

From the perspective of an outside observer, whether the West collapses fatally or not is of purely academic interest. But it should be noted that those who wish to prevent the final loss of their nation should do all they can to support Trump. 

As for the matter of the success of a Communist revolution or "color revolution" or other cultural revolution in the United States, we can only end by stating that the complete success of these activities rely on the existence of circumstances made unavailable by the collapse of the United States. 

Plan accordingly.


An ungentle breeze
We gather our things and go
Shaking out your hat

Those who do not answer the wind
Must answer the storm, and time
Hastens time for those who sinned
As judgment pursues hard upon crime
Sometimes thunder makes no sound
To announce the storm, we found
In the wind a pantomime--
For those still watch the ground;

A new era is born in a fateful day
It was already born, did they see?
"Then Shiloh comes," in the lowly hay
Of a feed-trough as the case may be
They pretend tomorrow must bring
Their justice, of it they now sing
But another world was set free--
And soon they will see it take wing.


We each walk our way
Sometimes these paths cross in spring
But a plucked flower

We walk among such dreams that have died
This is the world to which we were born
It was not for us, this to decide
It was not our hands that gave it form

We sit at the end of an ancient ship
And watch the waves consume the bow
Where it was to go on this fateful trip
Is not something we are privy to know

It is not something that can be known
They say, for like the Tower of old
It set its sights on a hevn'ly home--
Though what heaven that is I was not told;

There will come soft rains, which if true
Will wash the blood from empty roads
Reserve for oblivion what no one knew
Nor cared to record its episodes;

And no one laughs, there is no joy
In this, a wretched suicide--
Cuchulain the sea sought to destroy
Do we think he more than tried?