
A thing at once ripe
Not this, but a raspberry
Sun-ripe, perfect red.

The mystery of Maya's doom
Is not hard to solve, not bones
To be read, not phases of the moon
Or tea leaves or guts or magic stones;

Look now at the standing stones
Pulled down as before a full moon
For unsoundness is in their bones
- the mystery of Maya's doom.

The United States Has Collapsed

While it appears to many that Trump came to save America, it should be obvious now that America has collapsed. This however was not Trump's doing - rather, the mere fact of his election was itself the moment of that collapse. 

If we think, like Conservatives do, that America is its common people or its Constitution we are mistaken. The United States Government that existed up to November 9th, 2016 was the fourth government the United States has had. The first was the Articles of Confederation, the second the First Republic under the Constitution, the third the Second Republic (after the revolution called the Civil War) which tried to apply the Bill of Rights to all States, and the fourth the Managerial State created by FDR which is also called 'the West'. 

As Trump did not have support of any large faction within the government, and the government's members were unable to remove him from office, that government has shown itself impotent for the task of ruling. The Mandate of Heaven has moved on. If Trump fails to create a new government, which consists of a unique faction loyal to him and/or principles of the new concept of 'Civic Nationalism', the collapse of the West will be final and fatal. 

It should not be surprising that I use America, the United States, and the West interchangeably. To grasp the extent of the West, observe the following map. Others are available, but the basic point is that we can see that "Black Lives Matter" protests demonstrate the extent of the modern West. The methodology of the map included is questionable; you may choose your own for your own edification.

From the perspective of an outside observer, whether the West collapses fatally or not is of purely academic interest. But it should be noted that those who wish to prevent the final loss of their nation should do all they can to support Trump. 

As for the matter of the success of a Communist revolution or "color revolution" or other cultural revolution in the United States, we can only end by stating that the complete success of these activities rely on the existence of circumstances made unavailable by the collapse of the United States. 

Plan accordingly.