
A presentment of hands
Long-dried fragrance stronger still
Sprig of lavender

The cities live and die on the old
Whose belief shapes wisdom, even untold
If fools they be, then wisdom is so
Court and library, above as below
Sold-out ideals, sold for prestige
To the highest bidder, at the greatest need
Taken in loan, the payment is soon
A devil in black; a meeting at noon.

Dethrone King

We are often told that men like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are grifters, which is true, in contrast to men like Michael "Martin Luther" King Jr, which is false. In a sense, Al and Jessie are just carrying on the model minority pattern; false doctrates, dishonest concerning real beliefs, perhaps a lack of coherence or ability to express their beliefs, constant excuses made by those who pay their bills, and so on. And of course let us not forget the "Christian ministers" who are so far from being 'beyond reproach' in their behavior that even those in on the game were appalled. 

If you can find it, this essay is worth a read: 


I have little to add, but to say one thing. Most heroes are airbrushed a bit for mass consumption. This has always been true, and the hagiographic forms tend to spend very little time talking about the pre-conversion state of a saint. (This is in contrast to the VITA form, such as VITA ANTONI, in which a biographer, or auto-biographer, maps the struggle of the saint through his life.)

Consider the case of Don John of Austria. While considered a great man, it should be noted that he was a womanizer. He is not, however, known or considered for this aspect of his personal conduct; he is known for defeating the Muslim hordes at Lepanto. 

The case of King would be as though Don John didn't even fight at Lepanto, or fled, but for the sake of needing a hero, they lied about his courage. 

Pretty much everything we believe about King is false. It was as though we have a supposed movement and a supposed war that had no notable fighters, no heroes, and no real examples of conduct. We begin to wonder if this war had any battles; we begin to wonder if there was any movement at all. If indeed a battle had happened, surely someone fought with distinction; yet, what we have is someone who clearly is not an exemplar, made into one. Where then are the real exemplars? We know from history that if you have a war as many years long as the 'civil rights' struggle was, you must at least accrue a famous general or two, but what we have is paper-thin, a caricature and a solecism.

Even more damning is this bit of information:

"King’s association with Communism is not likely to affect his standing in the Black community any more than his moral incontinence, of course. Nevertheless, King’s immoral behavior might be waved away when considering the “social justice” his movement achieved by a false "conservative" eager to appease and satisfy the moral demands placed on him by leftist personality cults. What cannot be so easily waved away is an accusation that the Civil Rights Movement itself was aimed at undermining, dividing, and destabilizing American society and government, which King’s political leanings do suggest. This is of great significance since King is held up in contrast to Black Nationalists like Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, and Louis Farrakhan as a proponent of peace, unity, and justice palatable to a White suburban audience. (It is telling also that no one has stood up to defend any of the Black Nationalist figures who are also accused in these documents of seeking to achieve the aims of international Communism.)"

It is as though that Don John of Austria fought Lepanto to let the Muslims in to Europe, rather than defend her. It is amazing how badly we have been deceived, and how the previous generation bought into this to their destruction. The moral compass of Christianity indeed, has been sold out to an idol.

It is time to pull it down.